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Syria condemns Israeli airstrikes on capital Damascus

DAMASCUS, Oct. 1 (Xinhua) — The Syrian government on Tuesday condemned Israel’s latest airstrikes on the capital Damascus, killing three civilians and injuring nine others in densely populated residential areas, according to a statement by the Foreign Ministry.
In the early hours on Tuesday, Israeli warplanes and drones raided several sites in the Syrian capital, which also caused significant damage to private property.
“Syria condemns this brutal Israeli aggression on civilians and the ongoing violations of its sovereignty and that of its neighboring countries,” the statement said.
“We call on the international community to put an end to Israel’s reckless actions, which ignite tensions across the region and threaten both regional and international peace and security,” it said.
It further reiterated Syria’s right to defend its territory and people, vowing to resist “Israeli crimes” by any means permitted under international law.
Israel has carried out hundreds of airstrikes on Syrian territory in recent years, targeting Iranian-backed forces and Hezbollah militants, both allies of the Syrian government. ■
